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Introduction to Shortcuts

VideoProc Vlogger provides 29 keyboard shortcuts to make it easier for you to do everything from creating a new project to export the finished movie. Most shortcuts are universal. If you are familiar with the shortcuts of Microsoft applications, then you don't need to take any extra time or effort to memorize the shortcuts of VideoProc Vlogger. Get ready for the next level of efficiency by using these productivity keyboard shortcuts when editing!

Let's download and run VideoProc Vlogger. And get to know the main features of VideoProc Vlogger shortcuts with the following introdution.

Watch video tutorial to learn how to speed up the edits with the keyboard shorcuts.

⌘-N: New Project

If you want to create another new project while editing, press ⌘-N when on the main interface.

By doing so, you'll open the Create a New Project panel. Herein, you can complete the general settings (such as file name and resolution). When you are satisfied with all the settings, hit + New Project. This will open up the Save Project panel.

Suppose you need to create a new project but you are also satisfied with the project you are working with, then press Save; Suppose you need to create a new project and you don't like the project you are working with due to the wrong resolution or whatever, then press Don't Save; Press Cancel if you don't want to create a new project.

⌘-O: Open Project

If you want to open an existing VideoProc Vlogger project while editing, press ⌘-O when on the main interface.

This will open the Windows Explore panel. Herein, you can double-click the previously saved VideoProc Vlogger project file to re-access it.

⌘-S: Save Project

If you wish to save an unfinished project for editing later on or preventing an accidental data loss, press ⌘-S when on the main interface.

VideoProc Vlogger will generate a project file that saves all your editing decisions, references to the source files, and other data. In this way, when you open the project file, everything you see would be the same as the last time you exit the program. To check the project file, navigate to the Project Folder.

⇧-⌘-S: Save Project As

If you wish to save a copy of the working project, press ⇧-⌘-S when on the main interface.

This will open the Save Project As panel. Herein, enter the project name and press the ellipsis button to assign the project directory. Press Save.

Start a New Project Shortcut

⇧-⌘-A: Archive Project

If you want to archive the project for making edits on another computer, press ⇧-⌘-A.

By archiving a project, VideoProc Vlogger will save your editing decisions, source media files, and other data that are used in the project into one folder. Thus, when you move to another device or delete/adjust the location of the source file, you won't have any problem to open the last saved project as long as there is the archive file.

⇧-⌘-W: Close Project

If you want to close a project and exit the program, press ⇧-⌘-W when on the main interface.

⌘-E: Export

If you are satisfied with the edits and ready for delivery, press ⌘-E when on the main interface.

This will lead you to the Export panel. Herein, complete the settings on the Basic, Video, and Audio panel. Press Start to export a finished project as a video or audio clip.

Export Media Shortcut

⌥-⌘-E: Export Video

If you are satisfied with the edits and ready for exporting a video-only file, press ⌥-⌘-E when on the main interface.

This will lead you to the Export panel. Herein, complete the settings on the Basic and the Video panel. Press Start to export the video.

⌃-⌘-E: Export Audio

If you are satisfied with the edits and ready for exporting an audio-only file, press ⌃-⌘-E when on the main interface.

This will lead you to the Export panel. Herein, complete the settings on the Basic and the Audio panel. Press Start to export audio.

⌘-I: Import Video

If you want to add pictures, videos, and audio file(s) to VideoProc Vlogger, press ⌘-I when on the main interface.

This will open up the Windows Explore panel. Herein, double click the wanted original file(s) for fast importing to VideoProc Vlogger.

⌘-Comma (,): Preferences

If you want to adjust the project folder, transition durations, photo durations, hardware acceleration settings, and other preference settings for getting the most out of VideoProc Vlogger, press ⌘-Comma (,) when on the main interface.

This will lead you to the Setting panel. Herein, you can apply the needed adjustments.

⌘-U: Check for Updates

If you want to update VideoProc Vlogger, press ⌘-U when on the main interface.

VideoProc Vlogger starts to check whether there is a new version is available for updating. If there is, you can press Update Now to update.

Check for Update Shortcut

⌘-Q: Quit

If you wish to return to the main interface from a sub panel (such as the Speed Editor, Crop, Motion, Color, Audio to Text, and the Resolution panel), press ⌘-Q.

If you wish to quit the program, press ⌘-Q when on the main interface.

⌘-Z: Undo

If you need to undo the last action, press ⌘-Z. You can repeatedly press ⌘-Z if you need to retrace multiple steps.

VideoProc Vlogger lets you undo almost all of your edits applied to the media clip, including trim video, detach audio, adjust speed, add the motion effect, add subtitle tracks, and the adjustments on opacity, and more.

⇧-⌘-Z: Redo

If you need to redo an undo action, press ⇧-⌘-Z. You can repeatedly press ⇧-⌘-Z to redo multiple steps.

⌘-C: Copy

If you want to duplicate a certain video, audio, overlay, or subtitle clip, select the target clip on the timeline and press ⌘-C.

⌘-X: Cut

If you want to cut a certain video, audio, overlay, or subtitle clip, select the target clip on the timeline and press ⌘-X.

⌘-V: Paste

If you want to paste a clip to a new place in the timeline, select the target clip, press ⌘-X, move the playhead to the new position on the timeline, and then press ⌘-V.

If you want to duplicate a clip, select the target clip, press ⌘-C, move the playhead to the position where you need the duplicated clip starts to appear, and then press ⌘-V.

Copy and Paste Shortcuts

⌫: Delete

If you want to delete a video, audio, overlay, or subtitle clip, select the target clip on Timeline, and press ⌫.

⇧-⌫: Ripple Delete

If you want to remove some clips of a video on the Overlay Track without leaving gaps, choose the target clip, press ⇧-⌫.

⌘-B: Split

If you need to split a clip on Video, Overlay, Audio, or Subtitle Track at a certain frame, select the target clip on the timeline, move the playhead to the position where you need to create the split, press ⌘-B.

⇧-⌘-B: Split All

If you need to split media clips on all tracks at a certain spot on the timeline, move the playhead to the position where you create the split, press ⇧-⌘-B

Split Clips on All Tracks

Space: Play/Pause

If you need to preview the video on the main interface, move the playhead to the position where you need the preview to start, press Space.

If you need to stop or pause the preview, press the space again.

⌃-/: Stop

If you need to stop the preview of the video on the main interface, simply press ⌃-/.

← : Previous Frame | →: Next Frame

If you need to go frame by frame when making precise edits, press → to move to the next frame and press ← to move to the previous frame.

M: Add Marker in Clip

If you need to add a marker in a clip for signifying an important point within the clip, select the target clip, move the playhead to the position where you want to add a marker, and then press M.

⇧-M: Add Marker in Timeline

A timeline marker won't move along with the clip. Adding timeline markers can help you signify the important time in the current project, such as the music beats and title locations. To add a timeline marker, simply move the playhead to the target position on the time ruler and press ⇧ and M on your keyboard.

Timeline Marker and Clip Marker

⌘ + Mouse Scroll: Zoom in/out Timeline

When on the main editing interface, press the ⌘ key and then scroll up or down the mouse wheel to scale down or scale up the timeline view.

Now free download and install VideoProc Vlogger to edit videos quickly with shortcuts.

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Digiarty Software 創立於 2006 年,透過人工智慧與 GPU 加速方案引領多媒體創新浪潮。同時 Digiarty 以「Art up Your Digital Life」(藝術化數位生活)為使命,致力於提供 AI 影片/圖片增強、影片剪輯、影片轉檔等解決方案。Digiarty 旗下 VideoProc 系列產品在全球 180+ 個國家/地區已獲得 460 萬用戶的選擇與信賴。

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