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Create Cinematic Camera Movements in VideoProc Vlogger

Camera movements matter a great deal in both industrial filmmaking and daily vlogging. If you don't get them perfect on set, some techniques in post-editing can save them as well. In VideoProc Vlogger, you can find 28 presets and infinite customizable movements for your video.

Let's download and install VideoProc Vlogger to create cinematic videos with camera movements in post-editing.

Introduction to Camera Movements

A camera movement refers to the way of how a camera shifts while shooting. The angel, route, and speed of a camera movement work together to create dynamic scenes, influence audiences' emotions and attention, and reveal or emphasize some special moments in your vlogs, such as a basketball going into the hoop, a big splash when you jumping into a pool.

VideoProc Vlogger Presets for Basic Camera Movements

Cameras movements can serve several purposes for your video production while coming in different types.

Below are basic camera movements that filmmakers perform for different kinds of shots and presets in the Motion Editor of VideoProc Vlogger that you can utilize to fake camera movements if you did not capture all the desired shots on set.

Types Movements Presets Typical Use

Lens zooms in/out while the camera is fixed

  • Zoom In, Fast Zoom In
  • Zoom Out, Fast Zoom Out
  • Direct the audiences' attention
  • Reveal surroundings
Pan Move left/right at a fixed postion
  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Left-Right
(panorama videos)
  • Reveal new information
  • Follow actions of a subject
Tilt Move upward/downward at a fixed position
  • Move Up
  • Move Down
  • Up-Down
(panorama videos)
  • Capture the verticality of a scene
  • Give a character dominance or vulnerability
  • Make an awe and spectacle tone
Truck Move horizontally along a fixed-line
  • Move Right
  • Move Left
  • Left-Right
  • Focus on a moving subject
  • Introduce new scenes like comic strips
Pedestal Move vertically along a fixed-line
  • Move Up
  • Move Down
  • Up-Down
  • Reveil a tall character, architecture, or other subject
Push In Get closer to a subject
  • Push In 1
  • Push In 2
  • Emphasize an important scene/acting
  • Portray changes of a character's inner world
Pull Out Get further away from a subject
  • Pull Out 1
  • Pull Out 2
  • Disconnect from the main subject
  • Unveil the scene/setting/other characters
  • Emphasize isolation and abandonment in a shot
Roll Rotate on the long axis
  • Roll (Clockwise)
  • Roll (Counterclockwise)
  • Match movements of a subject
  • Disorient and unsettle the audience
Shaky Cam Shake
  • Quake
  • Earthquake
  • Create shock and panic in a shot
  • Provide a sense of dynamics
Random Random movement
  • Scan
  • Jump
  • Heartbeat Unique
  • Zoom Rotate
  • Closeup
  • Intensify the anxiety and uncertainty in a shot
  • Create a documentary look
Dolly Zoom Camera and lens dollies/zooms in the opposite direction Zoom in/out on footage that features pull out/push in
  • Enhance the conflict in a shot or emotion of a character
  • Highlight a growing relationship between two subjects

With a brief understanding of camera movements, Let's turn plain video clips into cinematic vlogs, traveling videos, and sports videos with the motion presets in VideoProc Vlogger.

How to Fake Camera Movements in VideoProc Vlogger

Step 1Load videos to VideoProc Vlogger

Create a new project or open an existing project in this editor. Add the footage to Media Library, then drag it to the timeline.

Create a new project in VideoProc Vlogger

Step 2Open the Motion Editor in VideoProc Vlogger

Click to select the clip in the timeline to which you want to add camera movements. If necessary, split the part from the whole video in advance. Then click Motion in the toolbar to open a sub panel.

Motion in toolbar

Step 3Choose a preset camera movement

Think about the narrative purpose of your shots and choose a way to re-design the camera movements in post-editing. Once you decided, drag the playhead at the potions where you want the motion to start, choose a preset above the timeline, and then you'll see the magic happen.

Option 1. Zoom – Zoom In, Zoom Out

Compared to static shots with a fixed shot size, the zooming effect shows the transition from a wide shot to a close-up, or changes of other shot sizes, thus giving a cinematographic degree of freedom. If you didn't get these shots on set, use Zoom In and Zoom Out in Motion Editor.

They insert two keyframes into the timeline automatically. The video starts to zoom in from the entire frame or zoom out from the center on the first keyframe and ends up at the second one.

Motion preset Zoom In/Out

Option 2. Crash Zoom – Fast Zoom In, Fast Zoom Out [Creative Preset]

Crash zoom is a variant of zoom and is executed suddenly and rapidly. It is often used for dramatic or comedic effects, such as a quick close-up on an expression. Fast Zoom In and Fast Zoom Out in Presets were born for this purpose.

This effect adds three keyframes to the timeline. The video zooms in/out faster from the first keyframe to the second than the second to the last one.

Motion preset Fast Zoom In/Out for crash zoom

Option 3. Truck – Move Right, Move Left, Move Left-Right

Truck controls revealing of different parts of the scene in a horizontal path. In Motion Editor, you can use track moving subject with Move Right, Move Left, or Move Left-Right to truck rightward, leftward, or back and forth.

Motion preset Move Left/Right for truck

Option 4. Pedestal – Move Up, Move Down, Move Up-Down

Pedestal unveils the scene in a horizontal path. For instance, reveal a tall building from the bottom to the top like the camera was flying higher beside it. Move Up, Move Down, and Move Up-Down come to meet your needs for different pedestal directions.

Motion preset Move Up/Down for pedestal

Option 5. Pan – Move Left, Move Right, Move Left-Right (Panorama Videos)

Different from truck and pedestal, pan refers to record a video while turning the camera on a fixed head to capture the entire viewer. If you got a 360° panorama/VR video, you can move it left or right easily to fake a pan movement in post editing.

Motion preset Move Left/Right for panning on panorama videos

Tips: You can customize the duration of keyframes in Move Left, Move Right, Move Left-Right to make a rapid pan, slow pan, or whip pan.

Option 6. Tilt - Move Up, Move Down, Move Up-Down (Panorama Videos)

Similar to pan, imitating tilt in post editing is workable for panorama videos. Once load it to VideoProc Vlogger, you can use Move Up, Move Down, or Move Up-Down to change its tilting angle.

Motion preset Move Up/Down for tilting on panorama videos

Option 7. Roll – Roll (CW), Roll (CCW)

In post-editing, simply rotation cannot restore this effect as it is dealing with the 2D footage. Whereas the Roll preset in VideoProc Vlogger imitates this movement successfully with its intelligent keyframe insertion and re-scaling.

You can roll clockwise or roll counterclockwise to highlight special moments in sports or add dynamics to aerial shots.

Motion preset Roll

Option 8. Pull Out – Pull Out 1, Pull Out 2

Pull out is used to reveal more information, e.g. from a person to the surroundings.

  • Pull Out 1 inserts 11 keyframes and pulls out four times and the movement stops between each change.
  • Pull Out 2 inserts 6 keyframes and pulls out three times with obvious pauses.
Motion preset Pull Out for dolly out

Option 9. Push In – Push In 1, Push In 2

Push In is to concentrate on a certain part of the footage thus showing details, for example, a facial expression, a note on a book, a move in dance, etc.

  • Push In 1 adds 8 keyframes and moves closer to the center more slowly and smoothly.
  • Push In 2 adds 7 keyframes and gets closer to the center faster with obvious stops when the dolly speed changes.
Motion preset Push In for dolly in

Option 10. Rotating Dolly Zoom – Heartbeat, Zoom Rotate, Closeup [Creative Preset]

A dolly shot uses a track or a motor to move the camera forward or backward. While combined with rotation, the footage becomes more energetic. There are three motion presets using dolly and rotating at the same time – Heartbeat, Zoom Rotate, and Closeup.

Heartbeat zooms in and out very fast multiple times while rotating the footage. This technique is often used for dance and music videos to make the footage look like hitting the rhythm of beats in music.

Motion preset Heartbeat for rotating dolly zoom

Zoom Rotate is a simple combination of zooming and rotating. It starts to zoom in and rotating and then zoom out to the original frame with rotating backward.

Motion preset Zoom Rotate for rotating dolly zoom

Closeup zooms in first. While concentrating on the center, it rotates rightward and leftward several times, then quickly gets back to the original frame.

Motion preset Closeup for rotating dolly zoom

Option 11. Shaky Cam – Quake, Earthquake

To create a shaky cam in VideoProc Vlogger, you have two options.

Quake shakes the footage slightly and quickly. You can use it to fake movements of walking, floating, etc.

Motion preset Quake for shaky cam

Earthquake, just as the name suggests, makes fierce shakes all of a sudden. You can use it to create astonishment, panic, or chaos of an action.

Motion preset Earthquake for shaky cam

Option 12. Random – Scan, Jump [Creative Preset]

Random shots move and focus on random areas in the scene, thus creating a sense of disorientation. Besides shaky cam, Scan and Jump are also nice presets to fake random movements.

Scan hovers around the footage and ends up restoring the original frame size. It looks like being recorded with a handheld camera. Also, you can turn a photo collage into a video by scanning every pic in the collection.

Motion preset Scan for random camera movement

Jump moves in a random path without smooth transitions. The quick cuts create energy and intensity, particularly in an action scene.

Motion preset Jump for random camera movement

Step 4Save and export

Hit the playback button to check the final result. If it's OK, click Apply to get back to the main interface. Now you can go on editing or export the video from VideoProc Vlogger.

Now download VideoProc Vlogger and have a try. We are eager to see your cinematic work.

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