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How to Craft AI Dungeon Prompts for Creative Stories

By Joakim Kling | Last Update:
Listed in AI Generators

In the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment, AI Dungeon stands out as a groundbreaking innovation. Launched in 2019, AI Dungeon leverages the power of artificial intelligence to create dynamic, text-based adventures that adapt to the player's input. Unlike traditional choose-your-own-adventure games with predefined paths, AI Dungeon offers an expansive, open-ended experience where the only limit is your imagination.

At its core, AI Dungeon uses advanced language models, such as OpenAI's GPT-3, to generate narratives on the fly. This allows players to craft unique stories across a variety of genres, including fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, and more. The game's AI interprets and responds to user inputs, creating a seamless and immersive storytelling experience.

With over 1 million users and 60 million unique adventures created, AI Dungeon has captured the imaginations of players worldwide. Its versatility and creativity have made it a popular platform for both casual gamers and dedicated storytellers. Whether you're exploring a medieval kingdom, solving a futuristic crime, or surviving a zombie apocalypse, AI Dungeon offers endless possibilities for adventure.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the heart of AI Dungeon: the prompts. We'll explore what prompts are, how they shape the gameplay, and provide tips for crafting effective prompts to enhance your storytelling experience. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of AI Dungeon, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of your adventures.

AI Dungeon

Part 1. The Role of Prompts in AI Dungeon

At the heart of every AI Dungeon adventure lies the prompt. Prompts are the seeds from which entire worlds and narratives grow, serving as the foundation for the AI to build upon. Understanding the role of prompts is crucial for anyone looking to master the art of storytelling in AI Dungeon.

In AI Dungeon, a prompt is the initial text input that sets the stage for your adventure. It can be as simple as a single sentence or as complex as a detailed paragraph. Prompts typically include information about the setting, characters, and initial situation of your story.

Prompts are more than just starting points; they're the DNA of your adventure. Here's why:

1. Direction Setting: Prompts guide the AI in generating relevant and contextually appropriate content. A well-crafted prompt can steer the story towards your desired genre, tone, and theme.

2. World Building: Through prompts, you can establish the rules and characteristics of your story's universe, whether it's a magical realm or a dystopian future.

3. Character Development: Prompts allow you to define your protagonist and other key characters, giving the AI a foundation for consistent character portrayal.

4. Narrative Focus: By including specific elements in your prompt, you can focus the narrative on particular plot points or themes you wish to explore.

The quality and detail of your prompt directly influence the richness of your adventure. A vague prompt might lead to a meandering story, while a well-defined prompt can result in a more coherent and engaging narrative.

Moreover, prompts affect the level of creative freedom in your gameplay. A highly specific prompt might create a more structured experience, while a more open-ended prompt allows for greater player agency and unexpected twists.

It's important to note that in AI Dungeon, the concept of "prompt" extends beyond the initial input. Every action you take and every piece of dialogue you write serves as a new prompt for the AI to consider. This creates an iterative storytelling process where you and the AI collaboratively weave the narrative, turn by turn.

Understanding the pivotal role of prompts in AI Dungeon is the first step towards crafting truly immersive and captivating adventures. In the following sections, we'll delve deeper into the types of prompts and how to create them effectively.

Part 2. Types of Prompts in AI Dungeon

AI Dungeon offers a diverse range of prompt types, catering to various storytelling styles and preferences. Understanding these different types can help you choose the best starting point for your adventures or inspire you to create your own unique prompts.

1. Default Prompts

AI Dungeon provides a selection of pre-made prompts across various genres:

  • Fantasy: Explore magical realms, battle dragons, or embark on epic quests.
  • Mystery: Solve crimes, uncover conspiracies, or navigate noir-style narratives.
  • Apocalyptic: Survive in post-apocalyptic worlds or prevent global disasters.
  • Zombies: Face hordes of undead in various settings and scenarios.
  • Cyberpunk: Dive into high-tech, low-life futures filled with corporate intrigue and advanced technology.
  • Sci-Fi: Explore space, encounter aliens, or navigate futuristic societies.

These default prompts are great for beginners or when you want a quick start to your adventure.

2. Custom Prompts

Custom prompts are where AI Dungeon truly shines, allowing players to create unique scenarios:

  • Character-Driven: Focus on a specific character's journey or background.
  • Setting-Based: Create detailed worlds with unique rules and characteristics.
  • Plot-Oriented: Start with a specific conflict or goal in mind.
  • Crossover/Mashup: Combine elements from different genres or existing franchises.

3. Community-Created Prompts

The AI Dungeon community actively shares and rates prompts:

  • Popular Prompts: These are highly-rated prompts that have resonated with many players.
  • Niche Prompts: Specialized scenarios catering to specific interests or subgenres.
  • Collaborative Prompts: Prompts designed for multiplayer experiences or shared universes.

4. Time-Period Specific Prompts

These prompts focus on particular historical or futuristic eras:

  • Historical: Ancient civilizations, medieval times, Renaissance, World Wars, etc.
  • Modern: Contemporary settings with current technology and social issues.
  • Futuristic: Near-future scenarios or far-future speculative settings.

5. Genre-Blending Prompts

These prompts mix elements from different genres:

  • Fantasy-Sci-Fi: Magic meets technology in unique world settings.
  • Horror-Comedy: Blend scary situations with humorous elements.
  • Mystery-Romance: Combine detective work with romantic subplots.

6. Experimental Prompts

These push the boundaries of traditional storytelling:

  • Meta-Narrative: Stories that break the fourth wall or play with the concept of AI-generated content.
  • Abstract: Non-linear or surreal scenarios that challenge conventional narrative structures.
  • Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Style: Prompts that offer clear branching paths from the start.

Understanding these various types of prompts can inspire you to explore new storytelling avenues in AI Dungeon. Whether you stick to familiar genres or experiment with unique combinations, the type of prompt you choose sets the stage for your entire adventure.

Part 3. Crafting Effective AI Dungeon Prompts

Creating compelling prompts is key to unlocking the full potential of AI Dungeon. Here are some tips and strategies to help you craft prompts that lead to engaging and coherent adventures:

1.Be Specific, Yet Open-Ended. Provide enough detail to set the scene and establish key elements, and leave room for the AI to expand and interpret creatively.

Example: "You're a rookie detective in a neon-lit cyberpunk city. Your first case involves a missing AI. As you step into your hover-car, your neural implant buzzes with an incoming message..."

2. Establish Tone and Atmosphere. Use descriptive language to convey the mood of your setting. Consider sensory details to make the world feel more immersive.

Example: "The ancient forest looms before you, its gnarled trees creaking in the chill wind. Mist curls around your ankles as you grip your enchanted sword, listening for any sign of the dragon's approach."

3. Introduce Conflict or Objectives. Include a clear goal or challenge to drive the narrative forward. Hint at potential obstacles or antagonists.

Example: "As the newly crowned ruler of a struggling kingdom, you must navigate political intrigue, manage dwindling resources, and prepare for an imminent invasion from the north."

4. Define Key Characters. Introduce your protagonist with some background information. Mention other important characters and their relationships.

Example: "You are Sarah, a brilliant scientist working on teleportation technology. Your lab partner, Dr. Chen, has mysteriously disappeared, and your funding is at risk. The government agent assigned to investigate seems more interested in your research than finding Dr. Chen."

5. Balance Detail and Brevity. Provide enough information to guide the AI, but don't overwhelm it. Aim for 3-5 sentences that capture the essence of your scenario.

6. Use Strong Verbs and Vivid Nouns. Choose words that evoke strong imagery and emotions. Avoid vague or generic terms that might lead to bland responses.

7. Incorporate Elements of Mystery. Leave some aspects of the scenario unexplained to encourage exploration. Plant seeds for potential plot twists or revelations.

Example: "You wake up in a luxurious hotel room with no memory of how you got there. A briefcase full of cash sits on the desk, and a note reads: 'Complete the mission by midnight, or they all die.' Your phone shows missed calls from an unknown number."

8. Consider the Genre Conventions. Include elements typical of your chosen genre to help the AI generate appropriate content. Mix genres creatively for unique storytelling experiences.

9. Use the "Memory" Feature. Utilize AI Dungeon's memory feature to store important information about your world or characters. This helps maintain consistency throughout your adventure.

10. Iterate and Refine. Don't be afraid to restart or edit your prompt if the initial results aren't satisfying. Learn from each attempt and refine your prompt-crafting skills over time.

Remember, crafting effective prompts is both an art and a science. It takes practice to find the right balance between providing direction and allowing for creative freedom. Experiment with different styles and approaches to discover what works best for your storytelling preferences in AI Dungeon.

Part 4. Technical Aspects of AI Dungeon Prompts

Understanding the technical side of prompts in AI Dungeon can help you optimize your storytelling experience and avoid common pitfalls. Let's delve into some key technical aspects:

1. Token Usage and Limitations. AI Dungeon uses tokens to process text. A token is roughly equivalent to 3/4 of a word. Prompts have token limits: Free users: typically around 600-800 tokens; Premium users: up to 2048 tokens. Longer prompts consume more tokens, potentially limiting the AI's response length.

Tip: Use a token counting tool to optimize your prompt length without hitting limits.

2. Prompt Memory and Context. AI Dungeon maintains a "memory" of recent interactions, typically the last 2000-3000 tokens. This context window includes your prompt and recent exchanges. As new content is generated, older parts may be "forgotten" by the AI.

Strategy: Place crucial information at the end of your prompt for longer retention.

3. World Info and Author's Notes. World Info: A feature allowing you to define persistent elements of your world. Author's Notes: Hidden instructions that guide the AI's behavior throughout the story. Both features help maintain consistency and can be edited during gameplay.

4. AI Model Versions. AI Dungeon has used different AI models over time (e.g., GPT-2, GPT-3, Dragon). Each model may respond differently to prompts. Check the current model in use and adjust your prompts accordingly.

5. Command Inputs. Special commands can be used within prompts: /remember: Adds information to the AI's memory; /alter: Changes specific details in the story; /revert: Undoes the last action.

Example: "/remember The kingdom of Aethoria is always shrouded in mist."

6. Formatting and Structure. Use clear paragraph breaks for readability. Bullet points or numbered lists can help organize information. Quotation marks for dialogue can help the AI distinguish between narration and speech.

7. Prompt Editing and Iteration. You can edit your initial prompt even after starting the adventure. Use the "Retry" button to regenerate AI responses if they're not satisfactory.

8. Custom Scripts (for advanced users). AI Dungeon supports custom scripts for more complex prompt behaviors. These can automate certain actions or implement game-like mechanics.

Note: Custom scripting requires programming knowledge and is an advanced feature.

9. Multi-Player Considerations. In multi-player mode, prompts need to account for multiple user inputs. Consider using the World Info feature to establish shared rules and settings.

10. Performance and Loading Times. Very complex or long prompts may increase processing time. If you experience slow responses, try simplifying your prompt or reducing its length.

Understanding these technical aspects can help you craft more effective prompts and troubleshoot issues that may arise during your AI Dungeon adventures. Remember, the platform is continually evolving, so stay updated on the latest features and limitations to make the most of your storytelling experience.

Part 5. Advanced AI Dungeon Prompt Techniques

Once you've mastered the basics of prompt creation, you can explore more sophisticated techniques to enhance your AI Dungeon experience. These advanced methods can lead to more complex, engaging, and controlled narratives.

1. Layered Prompts. Create prompts with multiple layers of information: Start with a broad setting. Add specific character details. Include immediate conflict or action.

Example: "In a steampunk London, 1889. You're Ada Lovelace, a brilliant inventor. Your latest creation, a mechanical detective, has just solved its first case. As you celebrate, an urgent telegram arrives..."

2. Narrative Framing. Use storytelling devices to frame your prompt: Begin with a prologue or epilogue. Use flashbacks or flash-forwards. Implement an unreliable narrator.

Example: "As you read your grandfather's journal, you discover a hidden truth about your family's past. The entry reads: 'May 15, 1945: The war is over, but our real mission has just begun...'"

3. Conditional Statements. Incorporate "if-then" scenarios to guide the AI: "If X happens, then Y will occur". This helps maintain logical consistency.

Example: "You're a shapeshifter spy. If you maintain human form for more than an hour, you risk permanent transformation. Your mission begins in 58 minutes..."

4. Meta-Prompts. Include instructions about the storytelling itself: Specify narrative style (e.g., noir, epic, comedic). Request specific literary devices or plot structures.

Example: "Tell this story in the style of a hardboiled detective novel. Use short, punchy sentences and vivid metaphors."

5. Character Voice Prompts. Establish distinct voices for different characters: Define speech patterns or catchphrases. Include character-specific worldviews or biases.

Example: "You are Captain Blackheart. Speak like a pirate, use nautical terms, and always mention your hatred for the Royal Navy."

6. Nested Scenarios. Create prompts with stories within stories: Start with an outer framework. Include inner narratives or parallel plotlines.

Example: "You're a dream archaeologist, exploring a client's subconscious. As you dig deeper, you uncover a hidden memory. Within this memory is a door leading to..."

7. Dynamic World Building. Use prompts to create evolving environments: Establish rules for how the world changes over time. Include cyclic events or progressive alterations.

Example: "In this world, seasons change weekly. Each season brings new magic and dangers. It's currently Summer, and fire elementals roam freely. In three days, Autumn will bring..."

8. Prompt Branching. Create decision trees within your initial prompt: Offer clear choices at the outset. Use conditional statements to guide different paths.

Example: "You're at a crossroads. To the north lies a dragon's lair, to the east a haunted forest, and to the west a bustling city. Choose your path, and the story will unfold accordingly."

9. Emotion and Sensory Prompts. Focus on internal experiences and sensory details: Describe feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations. Use all five senses to create immersive scenarios.

Example: "The acrid smell of smoke fills your lungs. Your heart races as you hear distant screams. The heat of the approaching fire prickles your skin. What do you do?"

10. Genre Fusion Prompts. Deliberately mix elements from different genres: Combine unexpected themes or settings. Use contrasting tones for unique storytelling.

Example: "In a world where magic and technology coexist, you're a cybernetic wizard debugging a spell in your AI-enhanced grimoire. Suddenly, your firewall detects a demonic virus..."

By employing these advanced techniques, you can create more sophisticated, nuanced, and engaging prompts. Remember, the key to mastering these methods is experimentation and practice. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries of traditional storytelling in AI Dungeon!


AI Dungeon represents a groundbreaking fusion of artificial intelligence and storytelling, offering an unparalleled platform for creative expression and adventure. As we've explored throughout this post, the art of crafting effective prompts lies at the heart of the AI Dungeon experience.

From understanding the basic role of prompts to mastering advanced techniques, we've seen how prompts serve as the seeds from which entire worlds and narratives grow. The versatility of AI Dungeon allows for an incredible range of storytelling possibilities, limited only by your imagination.

As you embark on your own AI Dungeon adventures, remember that mastery comes with practice and experimentation. Don't be afraid to push boundaries, try new approaches, and learn from both your successes and missteps. The beauty of AI Dungeon lies in its ability to surprise and delight, often leading to unexpected twists and turns in your stories.

Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, the world of AI Dungeon is ripe with possibilities. By honing your prompt-crafting skills, you'll unlock the full potential of this innovative platform, creating rich, immersive experiences that blend the best of human creativity with the power of artificial intelligence.

So, armed with the knowledge from this guide, it's time to dive in and start your next great adventure. Who knows what worlds you'll create, what characters you'll meet, or what epic tales you'll weave? The story begins with your prompt – make it count!

About The Author

Joakim Kling Twitter

Joakim Kling is the associate editor at Digiarty VideoProc, where he delves into the world of AI with a passion for exploring its potential to revolutionize productivity. Blogger by day and sref code hunter at night, Joakim spends 7 hours daily experimenting with the latest AI generators and LLMs.

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